9 Awesome inspired business stories of women in business from around the world

These women broke the glass ceiling. Theyโ€™re improving old formulas with innovative thinking. And we can all learn a thing or two from them. Here are 9 inspired business stories of women in business. Use their experiences as guidance for your own business.

rc global business strategy 9 awesome inspired business stories of women in business from around the world

Analucia Rodriguez, Viajar Para Vivir, Peru

Andalucia Rodrigues was raised in various parts of the world and used her experience to touch, inspire, and empower travelers from all around the globe.

She started her entrepreneurial journey as a digital marketer for world-famous companies Sony and Nike. After challenging herself and gaining all the knowledge the corporate world had to offer, she expanded her reach by starting a travel blog, Viajar Para Vivir (Travel To Live).

Ayesha Zaman, The Quest of Existence, Pakistan

Ayesha Zaman is a jack of all trades and a master of many. Sheโ€™s worked in IT and content marketing, but recently included public speaking and writing in her repertoire.

She also impressively provides IT consulting to the government and finished her magnum opus, The Quest For Existence.

To her, itโ€™s important to notice opportunities when they present themselves and to never limit yourself to one niche or label.

Chloรซ Thomas, eCommerce Master Plan, United Kingdom

Chloe Thomas has decades of experience as an e-commerce strategist and has been named one of the top 10 e-commerce marketers in the world. Sheโ€™s also the author of four books and the host and mastermind behind the eCommerce MasterPlan podcast.

Emrazina Islam, Creative Kittens, Bangladesh

Emrazina Islam is the founder of Creative Kittens, a freelance graphic design company that serves clients around the globe, and Emrazina Technologies, a back-office operations partner.

She also empowers women in the workplace with the Bangladesh Female Freelancers Help Group. Emrazina allows herself and other women to be inspiring entrepreneurs without having to sacrifice their home lives.

Daniela Palade, SellerEngine, Romania

Daniela Palade is a tech support and repricing specialist who has worked with global brands like Dell and Seller Engine. Her original goal was to be President of Romania, but she was drawn away from politics to satisfy her curiosity about technology and the future.

โ€œI still secretly dream about ruling the world.โ€

After choosing technology over the presidency, she continued her education and worked for a few small companies. Here she honed her craft and leveled up her skills.

Ginger Arboleda, Taxumo, Philippines

Ginger Arboleda is an entrepreneur and finance specialist who has been breaking barriers and limiting beliefs from day one. Sheโ€™s the owner of two successful blogs, founded Manila Workshops, and co-founded Taxumo.

Her father, a successful entrepreneur, inspired her from a young age. She would observe him and wonder how she could create a thriving business that also helps people. By the age of 23, she was managing 40 people and growing her empire.

Jenny Januarti, KainKain, Indonesia

Jenny Januarti started as a banker with a passion for design. While working full-time, she sold her designs at markets before fully committing to her passion in the late 2000s. She took the plunge and sold both online and offline with her business Kain Kain.

Her father was her role model. He was both a dreamer and a hardworking person, two things that motivated her to become a business owner and creative designer.

Lisa Qian, Kid Smile, China

Lisa Qian is an e-commerce expert with several successful brands under her name. Her most popular is Kid Smile, a baby accessory store with global customers.

For Lisa, business is a creative outlet. Since a young age, sheโ€™s had ideas overflowing her brain. Being an entrepreneur was a way to bring her ideas to life.

Oksana Carrivale, Delrey Agency, Ukraine

Oksana Carrivale runs Delrey Agency with her husband, a multi-national company that provides a variety of website services. The company has grown tremendously and has worked with massive names like Google and Payoneer.

For Oksana, women are an essential part of the business industry. โ€œIt needs to be balanced.โ€ Sheโ€™s proud of the women, herself included, that continue to push boundaries and show why having female minds and voices is so important for a successful future.

Frequently Asked Questions

Women struggle to be heard and taken seriously. Unfortunately, this makes it hard for women to access funding and grow strong business networks.

One overarching lesson from successful businesswomen is the need to persevere. Even when things get tough, donโ€™t give up on your dream or give in to archaic practices.

  • Support women-owned businesses
  • Invest in female-led startups
  • Boost smaller female entrepreneurs when you can
  • And build a network that grows together

Itโ€™s important to handle conflict well. Donโ€™t shy away from being assertive. Stand your ground when you know misogyny is at play. 

Itโ€™s also important to never stop learning or improving your thinking and practices.

There is a bigger focus on hiring a more diverse and skilled workforce. Weโ€™ve also noticed more conversation around the gender wage gap and the need for women to also mentor men.

However, the biggest influence is from other female entrepreneurs sharing their stories and motivating female business owners.

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