Collect payments cost-effectively

Simplify the way you collect payments and fees from your sellers with Payoneer. They get a better experience, and you save money.

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Floyd Parker

USD – currency


Anthony James


Lisa Parker

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You and your marketplace

Our payments ecosystem covers more countries and currencies than any other, so the benefits of our payments collection solution are available to sellers across the globe.

Lower operating costs

With only a small percentage fee per successful transaction, weโ€™re cost-effective compared to 2Checkout, Stripe, or PayPal.

Avoid unnecessary fees

Keep all your transactions with Payoneer and youโ€™ll avoid the extra fees you might incur with PayPal or bank transfers.

No chargeback risk

Payments are only taken when there are sufficient funds in the payeeโ€™s account.

Easy integration

Connect with Payoneer and you can start taking payments quickly and easily with minimal technical effort.

Your sellers

Your sellers can also use their Payoneer account balance to pay for fees on your platform. They can opt-in to make ongoing payments from their account for free and you can enjoy peace of mind with instant payment collection.

All via one account

Sellers pay their fees/charges from the same Payoneer account into which their payments are credited. No need for alternative payment methods.

No one gets behind

With automated payments, sellers are always up to date with their payments.

Rapid settlement

Within a single payments ecosystem, thereโ€™s no need for settlement delays.

Better experience

Lifeโ€™s less complicated for your sellers โ€“ and they can always keep track of their payments to you.

Frequently asked questions

We currently support the following currencies: USD, EUR, GBP, CAD, AUD, JPY and CNH. In addition, conversion to CZK, PLN, RUB and VND is available for tax payment purposes (subject to availability). 
The list of supported currencies may change from time to time and differ from region to region. 

Note: At this time, we donโ€™t support transferring to a balance whose currency is the same as your local currency. 

From the moment the request is submitted, funds are generally transferred to the receiving balance within minutes. 

In some cases it may take several hours for funds to appear in your balance. 

You cannot transfer more than you have in your balance. 

Some periodic limits may also apply. If any limit is exceeded, weโ€™ll let you know before completing the request. 

There may be periods of time when certain currencies cannot be transferred, for example, when certain markets are closed. If you select a currency that is temporarily unavailable, a message will be displayed to let you know.ย 

Start with an account

Store Manager starts with opening a Payoneer account. Tell us how and where you sell on marketplaces and get a smarter way to sync up your global payments.